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Finding a ‘Hero’ shot for your property | Realty Source

Finding a ‘Hero’ shot for your property

In most cases, the best image for a free standing home is the home itself.

I can’t stress enough how important this image is. If this is the image that attracts that one extra buyer who will push buyer offers higher, it’s worth it. And, in all reality, you’ll never know.

So, if you and your agent are comfortable that the front of your property is your best marketing image, then that’s exactly where you need to prioritise your presentation efforts.

Where to start

Take a look at your home from the footpath. How’s your street appeal?

How’s the front fence? How’s the garden, exterior walls, roof and spouting?

Is this an image that will photograph well for your marketing? Is this your hero shot?

If you’re unsure, ask a friend or better still, ask me. Even if you’re not planning to sell for a year or so I can still help you with a presentation program. So that when the time comes your property looks as good as it can and is ready to be devoured by eager buyers.

Deciding on your presentation ‘hit list’

It’s not unusual for sellers to get a little confused and overwhelmed when preparing their property for sale.

It starts out with a couple of cool ideas that will make a room look fantastic then somehow grows into a monstrous ‘to do’ list of chores.

So here’s what I do when I’m working with a seller to prepare their property for sale:

  • If we agree a home needs presentation work and there are more than a few things that need doing then we sit down and write up a list.
  • We include every possible thing that will not only make our photos look great but also look for ways to enhance the viewing experience. These are the things that will ‘wow’ our buyers when they come through.
  • When our list is done we look at each item and grade it in importance from zero to 10. Zero being not important and 10 being essential to helping us attract a heap of great buyers.
  • As you can probably imagine, the process from here is fairly straightforward. We target the tasks we scored as a 10 as our priorities and then move to the nines and so on.

This is what we call the ‘hit list’ and it works very well if you stick to the rules.

Contact me for more insights into the WA property market. Or download my free eBook.

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